Hard Work, Hard Holiday

1. A Handsome-boy Contest
2. Who is that Gorilla?
3. An Extra

Who is that Gorilla?
After the contest, a talk show was going to began. The audiences expected their talk about Queen's latest album 'The Works' and first single 'Radio Ga Ga' with its video clip. Very ordinary promotion.

'Please welcome, Queen!!' MC said loudly, and IT appeard...

(Thanks MEG and Seika Saitoh for helping)
who is that Gorilla? Do you remember who wore that clothes? ...yes, it's HIM.
(BGM: I Want To Break Free)
Hi! "Hi!" The gorilla greeted merrily with a poster.
whack During the gorilla putting off his head, Roger gave him a quick whack.
MC said in Japanese. "Hey, you have the same head whether you put off its mask or not!"
smiling John, the ex-gorilla, smiled shyly, as usual.

3. An Extra