deaky weekly Deaky Weekly - English Edition -
Vol.36 (73)


*This page consists of deaky-topics that arose on my website in this week. I hope you'll enjoy it.

The Week In The History

What's In? [Deaky-topics in this week]

Deaky and the Beast

This week I got two e-mails which mentioned the following interesting news.

"I heard on the radio this morning (in London) that John had bought one of Elton John's auctioned classic cars - namely a 1978 Aston Martin Vantage known as 'the beast' (as it 'roars'!) for £80,000. No doubt John would have said it was 'just an investment.' Apparently, it's in the red, yellow & black colours of the Watford football team." (Thanks to Graham Lane!)
"The collection included an Aston Martin painted in colours of Watford Football Club - once owned by the singer. Named THE BEAST, that car was bought by Queen bass player John Deacon for $226907." Take from: (The Daily Telegraph -7th of June 2001) (Thanks to Andrew Bee!)

According to The Daily Telegraph (UK version), this car is now painted sedate blue. You did it, John!

Thank you for reading! See you next week!