What's In? [Deaky-topics in this week]
- Questions to Mr. Hince : Black Precision
This week I asked Mr. Peter Hince about John's Black Precision bass. We first saw the black presicion at the Magic Tour in 1986 maybe, but since then, his two Natural Precisions couldn't be seen (except "Miracle" PV). One of regulars of my site, t-sakamoto, had hypothesized that one of the Natural Precisions would be painted black, like the Sunburst Precision was remodeled into Natural. Is this correct hypothesis? Or John bought a new bass and the old ones were just finished? His answer is:
You are absolutely right! The Black Precision Bass is Johns old stage natural one - the one he played almost entirely through Queens career. It was re-furbished and sprayed black.
Thank you for your answer again, Mr. Hince and congratulations t-sakamoto!
- Questions to Mr. Richards : John's songwriting style
Mr. David Richards came to Japan with his partner Nathalie Mansel (beautiful cellist) for their first Japan Tour. I went to their concert at Tokyo and enjoyed their fantastic music very much. Moreover, I was one of lucky people who could visit the backstage and meet them (thanks my friend Kaoru for organizing!), and I dared to ask him how John wrote songs in studio. Mr. Richards told me that John played Yamaha Piano first and then bass, but John was so shy that he used to make demo tapes at his home and bring them to the studio, then Freddie listened to them and sang. Thank you for giving me precious experience, Mr. Richards!
- 2003 Songwriting HOF Nominee Announced
Did you hear the news? (vist the visual museum and see "2003 Nominee Announced!" page). It'll be sooo long before the election, but I'm excited when found that TWO songs written by John were introduced on nominees page!