What's In? [Deaky-topics in this week]
- John's Writing Style
Sebastian told me an interesting interview to Mack in 2000 from a German magazine. I quote the sentence about John:
John was an enigma though. When Brian wrote we knew because he went from a
side to another with a notebook and singing us the choruses or telling us
his ideas. When John Deacon wrote, we could tell because he hardly talked.
He just stayed quiet for a long time, sitting in a chair and drinking tea
and soda. I remember once Roger arrived joking around to a living room we
had in the studio. There was an absolute silent until Roger came in yelling
'but what? whose's the funeral?', and Freddie whispered to him 'shhhhh, John
is creating'. I think it was Fred who came up with the nickname of ostrich.
Because John was like a bird, who stays quiet until it finally puts a
perfect egg. John was that way, he handled the sheets to the others fully
finished, although in the end everybody added something to improve the song.
Thanks Sebastian (and Mack) for this information!